
TO BECOME A SPONSOR, please email: p2mkauai@gmail.com

TO BECOME A VOLUNTEER, please sign up online at www.bikereg.com/p2m or emailĀ  p2mkauai@gmail.com

CAN YOU help at registration, the start line, a midway aid station, at the finish line (traffic control, timer’s helper) or at the post-race party? It’s fun and you get a front-row view of the action.

High-viz yellow is the new black…so fashionable!

Wacky cheerleaders wanted!

Mahalo to all our volunteers for your enthusiasm, time and talents (artistic, culinary, you name it!). Past races ran smoothly and safely thanks to you.

Volunteer waivers
If you’ve been given a volunteer assignment, you can complete waivers in advance (one less thing to do race morning!) ALL volunteers must fill out the USAC form; and those working in Waimea Canyon State Park or Koke`e State Park need to complete the DLNR one as well. Mahalo…these protect both you and the event.
USAC Volunteer Release
DLNR Vol Waiver

Mahalo to our partners ~ for guidance and support: Tradewind Cycling Team; USA Cycling staff; Koke`e Lodge; Chelse at DLNR State Parks; the office folks at State DOT; Kelsey and the team at the Kaua`i Police Dept.; Ku`ulei at Kekaha Neighborhood Center; Bryson and crew at County of Kaua`i Public Works; John Ferguson & Kalaheo Cafe; Tony Ricci and GIRA; Ron Wiley at KONG radio; Dennis Fujimoto at The Garden Island, Greta at Retroglyphs; Michelle Dick for the artwork; CG Customs; GP Roadway Solutions; whoever is in charge of the weather, random chickens, and ALL our generous sponsors and underwriters.


sponsor logos 2022 screenshot
